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Vocal Reiki Healing


I use hands on energy healing through channelling star reiki & earth energy to unify into healing of the soul & body, to revitalise the spirit whilst integrate it into what the body can hold. 


Intuitively working with tones, sounds, nature spirits and star beings as your energy body needs to aid your healing - vocal reiki combines the hands on healing with sound healing into one.

My Reiki Journey

I trained in Reiki 1, and then on a pilgramage in Ireland journeyed with Lindsay Fairbarin and Estelle Gillingham and later became Attuned in Star Reiki Level 1 & 2

Alongside this I have been offering sacred tones and sound at sacred sites, in breathwork ceremonies, for reiki healing and as much as possible in my daily life whenever I feel energy in me or around me needs to be cleansed, expressed, transmuted then i channel this through my tones or sounds. 

Star Reiki Master, Lindsay Fairbairn, after may years of practicing Reiki, had a transformational download of Star Reiki and then spent years integrating that into how that could be transmitted to others.

Star Reiki is a transmission of ancient light codes with encoded geometric patterns from across star nations of Arcturus, Pleides and Sirius.

Throughout this journey I have worked with many nature spirits in energy and sound, as well as channelling vocal harmonies for healing. Alongside my Star Reiki training i have developed this ability to weave into a healing session that cleanses and activates your energy body rapidly more so.

Book a session?

60 minute session

Sliding Scale £40-65


Contact Anya 07443443868 for a session

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