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The Full Story

Sacred Intimacy in the Temple

Within the exploration of deep sensuality is our Eros sexual energy, and this is a beautiful and natural element of our being - it is our life force and is not something to suppress or shame, we hold a space that allows this to be brought and held with love and care into the heart and body - and so creates a more embodied sensual experience.


Temple of Love

What is the Temple of Love? 

The Temple of Love is a community of beings desiring to connect deeply to one another through our hearts and through consensual touch. The container created allows you to immerse yourself into your sensuality in whatever way that looks like for you and experience the beauty of being in a space of interconnected Web of love. 

This is a shared experience where we journey through our individual and collective emotions, desires, blocks, insecurities, longings and so much more that comes alive within us within these space. 

It is a place to receive the connection your heart and body long for, but most of all it is a space to learn of ourselves of how we can bring this more into our everyday lives and what is blocking us from doing so.

Womens Temple

Our sensuality as women is powerful and magick, and we have been conditioned to suppress or shame it but it is our sensual nature with the wisdom of our womb that brings great power and knowing, but it is our greatest power to be in tune with the wildness and aliveness of our Eros energy - it is innate in us, we just have to uncover it once again and remember this truth, this sacred power.

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