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Womens Temple

We invite you to come into loving one another deeply through sensual touch that we crave and need, in the safety of Sisterhood, where we can share our sisterly love, sensuality and life force power. Our sensuality as women is powerful and magick, and we have been conditioned to suppress or shame it but it is our sensual nature with the wisdom of our womb that brings great power and knowing.



Upcoming Women's Temples

Her Body as the Rose Temple: Her Inner Lover

👭Held in love & sensuality in our sisterhood 

💕Witnessing in insecurity, in all of You, & Recieving love to your body
🌸Meeting & finding pleasure with Your inner Lover
💃 Finding your inner lovers' Sensual movement
🔥Tuning into your Eros, your vocal sound, your breath
🌼Orgasmic Breathwork
❤️Heart sharing circle

🥕Pot luck sharing lunch


Sunday 20 october
10am - 5pm 

The Wellness Centre, merythr Tydfil, cf48 2pg 
£55pp. Early bird £44 (book before 18th Sept) 

12 places 
Contact Anya to enquire or book your place

What will this bring into your life?

Being in touch with our sexual expression ignites our power, our passion, our sovereignty, connects us deeply to ourselves, our needs, our desires, nature and our senses in a much fuller richer way. It is our Eros, our force of nature that lies within us, it is integral to the fullness of our being, and that is exactly why for millenia it has been suppressed, shamed and dirtied. But it is the most beautiful, powerful thing you have access to in your life - and it is right within you. 

We open a space to be able to open, feel into this energy in a held container in the safety of sisterhood. To witness ourselves and each other tuning into this energy.

Pleasure is available in every moment, every sensation, every breath - if we allow ourselves to access that pleasure. Pleasure does not need to be sought from another person, although there is great beauty in that too, when we can fully experience pleasure in our sensual bodies no matter where we are, then we can experience even fuller pleasure with another when we reunite. 

The dance with our inner lover, meeting her/them and fully embracing to be reunited after so long is a magical, beautiful experience. Making love with our inner lover with the kiss of a cherry, with the kiss of our breath, our sacred touch - brings her, and therefore you, alive. All the magic, love, pleasure you can bring to yourself. 

- From allowing our sexual energy to be felt and expressed through the simplest of ways such as movement, sound, breath, our creative expression unfolds deeper

- Increase your personal power, authority, sovereignty

- Increase the pleasure in your life for yourself in the everyday and in intimacy both with yourself and your lover

- Love the parts of you that have been difficult to love

- Experience the expansive journey of how breath can weave between pleasure and healing and unite the two 

- Be witnessed in your true beauty and your insecurity, as you witness our sisterhood in the same

- Open your vocal to sacral channel, opening your vocal expression, womb expression, and all the power, intuition, insight it beholds

We release old stories, old beliefs, what no longer serves us - have it be held by sisters in its release, to be able to open that gateway that has been closed, and experience the love and pleasure that lies beyond it.
Orgasmic Breathwork takes us on a journey, alike to conscious connected Breathwork journey, but opening our sacral to vocal channel and inviting Orgasmic breath and sound to enliven our journey on the ocean of emotion, sensation, pleasure, healing and release.
How your body can experience the entire spectrum of joy, ecstasy, grief, renewal, pleasure, sadness, and whatever else may arise - all in a way that feels whole, beautiful and sacred in a space you are held.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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