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The Rose Temple

What is the The Rose Temple?

The Rose Temple is a ceremonially held shared journey of beings desiring to connect deeply to one another through our hearts and through loving consensual touch. 

The Rose embodies unfolding the delicacy of our pleasure, emotion, our desires, our boundaries, our vulnerabilities, our challenges, our pleasure, our expression. And it is a gentle slow unfurling, at a different pace for each individual for where you're at in your journey. 

This is a deeply healing transformational journey that ignites more power, courage, self-assurance and expression into your life in many ways. Our sexual expression that has been repressed is our life force, which is entwined with our creative expression which is our natural flowing expressive energy in many more ways than a paintbrush on paper. It connects us to the core of our being, the core of all nature, there is a power and mystery that unfolds that ia greater than the human mind can comprehend. 

Within the exploration of deep sensuality can arise sexual energy, and this is a beautiful and natural element of our being - it is our life force, our very power that drives us, ignites our passion and our souls. We welcome the beauty it carries whilst welcoming for that energy to flow into and through our hearts so our desires and expressions are in care and love for ourselves as well as others. 

We invite in our pleasure in deeper ways to a richer and fuller experience first by accepting ourselves as sexual beings to realise that everything in life is sex, as we recognise everything is enveloped in our life force energy, our sexual energy, so that every breath, every sound, every movement, every sensation is a pleasurable intimate dance with our inner lover. We open our pleasure and sensations to allow this experience to unfold in the Temple of Love to invite this more into our daily lives. 


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"It surprised me how open and vulnerable I felt able to be, completely opening to the love and sensation and how strange how completely normal this feels and then how abnormal it makes out there in the world"

"The session really surprised me in terms of how quickly I felt comfortable, safe and relaxed, but at the same time it was really invigorating and empowering to feel connected to people through touch, as a form of intimacy that we hardly ever use outside of romantic or sexual situations with people we are close too. I felt supported, and like we were all existing on the same wavelength of empathy, care, embodiment and the desire for closer connections. I came away from the session feeling peaceful, blissful and electrified :) thank you !!"

The Rose Temple: Playful Encounters

19 0ctober, 5.30-11pm
Kenfig Nature Centre, Pyle, Bridgend CF33 4PT
Arrive for 5.30pm to begin in circle at 6pm
In the window of full moon, Giving full permission to the Playful Child in us in its variety of Playful expressions
Interacting with Curiosity, sensuality, freedom of expression

The Rose Temple: Playful Encounters

16 November, 4.30 - 11pm
Seven Acres, Whitland, SA34 0QYA beautiful cabin in nature
​Arrive for 4.30pm to begin in circle at 5pm
Newcomers £40 //Returning Temple Lovers £33 // Couples £70
In the window of full moon, Giving full permission to the Playful Child in us in its variety of Playful expressions
Interacting with Curiosity, sensuality, freedom of expression

The Rose Temple: Deeply Sensational

23 November, 5.30-11pm
Kenfig Nature Centre, Pyle, Bridgend CF33 4PTArrive for 5.30pm to begin in circle at 6pm
Enliven our senses in the glow of the full moon. Guided through practices that open our sensual embodied experience. 
We open to the depth of pleasure, how a cherry can be your intimate lover, how without our sight heightens all other senses, exploring different textures & ways of touch as we interact with Curiosity, sensuality, freedom of expression

The Rose Temple: Sensational Sparkles

14 December, 4.30 - 11pm
Seven Acres, Whitland, SA34 0QYA
beautiful cabin in nature​​
Arrive for 4.30pm to begin in circle at 5pm
Newcomers £40 //Returning Temple Lovers £33 // Couples £70
enliven our senses in the winter glow and sparkle of yuletide. Guided through practices that open our sensual embodied experience in ranging from the lightest touch of hands to a full bodied sensual touch.
We open to the depth of pleasure, how a cherry can be your intimate lover, how without our sight enheightens all other senses, exploring different textures & ways of touch as we interact with Curiosity, sensuality, freedom of expression
Red Rose

All of you is welcome 

There is guided practices to introduce boundaries and consent and how to engage with one another in physical touch in a way that feels safe and wholesome, and a facilitated journey of coming into our sensual experience with ourselves and each other then when we open up into open space there is defined areas for you to flow into where you feels your needs align as much as those needs change with softer levels of 

 intimacy & connection or more sensually arousing touch, always with an option to connect only with yourself as much as you need to​

Why come to a Temple? 

- If youre craving more physical contact, more love, more connection

- Experience the complete unconditional love in a hug or to gaze deeply into the eyes, the windows of our soul, of another being and feel seen whilst seeing another with masks

- to connect deeply to others desiring connection in boundaried, safe, loving consensual touch. 

- to Learn to feel into our boundaries and desires and how to express them 

 - Feeling into what emotions arise and moving through, healing them within a safe container

- Discover your sensual nature deeper 

 - Learn how to fully drop into Recieving and how to ask for what you want 

- Coming fully into the pleasure of giving pleasurable touch with full loving compassion



Also featuring live acoustic music, beautiful handpan & shamanic sounds 

Each Temple is entirely different, you will never have the same experience twice, even if you came to every single Temple. But a typical structure of our Temple of Love looks like this:

Arrive between 4.30-4.50pm to begin at 5pm - allowing plenty of time to park, delays in traffic, and anything else, doors close and you won't be let in once the circle opens for the safety of the container.

5pm Agreements for creating a safe container

Opening Ritual, opening into sounds and movement of our sensual being

- Walkabout connection games

- Exercises for learning & establishing Boundaries & Consent

- Facilitated exercises for connection in physical contact or energetic (option for non-physical contact), opening our sensual experience 

- Full circle check in 

- Deeper, richer exercises dropping deeper into our embodied experience 

- Opening to free space - check in beforehand and establishing boundaries & how to take care of yourself and others.

10.45pm Closing circle, integration, aftercare & expression of words and sounds to close our experience individually and as a collective

11pm Depart 

Held in a new beautiful wooden cabin with gorgeous views for our evening Temple for a nourishing cosy safe container

This is a clothing optional space as our human bodies are beautiful and we wish to welcome and celebrate our bodies. However for holding a safe container, we hold a boundary of this being a pants on space (all genders) for ensuring no skin to skin genital contact. It is non-penetrative space in any means of penetrating genitals so this pants on boundary enables that an easy way to hold that safely for everyone. Full nudity is allowed within sauna/hot tub experiences where that contained experience is a non-sexual space. 

Come however makes you feel most comfortable and empowered, whether that is casual clothing, sexy clothing, smart clothing, underwear - it is all beautiful


This event is open for individuals, couples, lovers, friends, female bodied, male bodied, non-binary/other-gender bodied. 

Newcomers £40 // Returning Temple Lovers £35 // Couples/friends/both events: £70 // Returning couples/friends: £60


We'd like this to be available for all, get in touch if you feel called. 

To book your place or If you have questions please contact myself at: or 07443443868

Held at Seven Acres, Whitland, Carmarthenshire, SA34 0QY

Key information for your safety

This is a sober space, please do not consume drugs or alcohol before or during this event, it is important for everyone to be in full sober awareness of their bodily experience

This is a trauma aware space, facilitators and spaceholders assisting are available to support your needs during exercises and free space. It is your responsibility to take care of yourself - that includes seeking support when support or sitting out of exercises when needed. We use cards to signal if you need support, often we know we need something but it's hard to find what so given these options supports to finding what feels right when something is triggered

"I felt very relaxed and safe enough to drop my guard and enjoy some lovely, nourishing connection and gentle touch with others in the group. This was because the space was held so beautifully, with sensitivity, kindness and clarity, always giving me the freedom to choose for myself how much i wanted to explore each practice, with myself or others" - Katie


Id love to hear from you! Get in touch!

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