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Festivals & Workshops

I collaborate with other Sexological Bodyworkers, Sacred Intimates and Spaceholders in Sacred Sexuality to bring a variety of workshops within Sacred Sexuality, Temple spaces, Breathwork, Voice Activations, and Somatic practices. We hold these as full day retreats in Pembrokeshire, that are then reshaped and packaged into a condensed workshop that is suitable for large groups within festival or workshop settings. Below are some examples of workshops on offer.

Please get in touch if you would like to collaborate or book in a workshop with us. 


Body of a Goddess

This is a beautiful workshop for us to gather as witness each other without the masks and armour, see into eachothers beauty and insecurities within self and body, and in doing so reflect our own back and find union in that we’re not all so different - we are all vulnerable and insecure at times. 

We begin with feeling into our body through movement within immersive soundscapes, interact gently with our fellow participants before coming into small intimate groups and in a triad be lead in a guided body scan to feel into each area of our body. We then share with our triad what arose within this scan as uncomfortable, difficult or insecure that was just discovered or has been a long time insecurity. We create this space for each sister to be heard by her triad mirrors, the next stage then invites gentle caressing of one Goddess laid down receiving by the other two worshippers with loving affirmations such as “This is the hand of a Goddess… this is the elbow of a Goddess… this nose is beautiful…” etc. Which before doing so each stipulates their body’s boundaries. 

This Triad unites with another Triad to make a Hexagonal Hive, and one at a time claiming the spotlight for themselves - to be fully seen, with option to “de-amour” (de-clothe) if they wish to, or to simply stand in all eyes witness this beautiful Goddess being claiming her space. The workshop concludes with a coming together and feeling and witnessing the room in all the beautiful Goddesses who have journeyed in the same process and closing in gentle sound and movement together as one.

Female/non-binary only

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